EU Hide And Seek

Max: 11 Average: 11 Aloha ravagers, today we had an epic game of hide and seek! HCOM searched for troops around Zipline, CPR and it lasted about 32 minutes. OptimisticOtter won our “Epic Hider” award by being the last one in the game! We had a little tactic round after the seeking. Read on toContinue reading “EU Hide And Seek”


ALOHA RAVAGERS!! It’s Saturday (aka the new rotw time wink wonk) and you know what that means: Ravager of the Week time!! This was an easy choice as this troop has been doing amazing in the past week. Give it up for the ravager of the week for the week of August 2nd, 2020 is………..Continue reading “ROTW #7”

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