Ausia Unscheduled Training

Max: 14+ HerbertAverage: 13 Goodnight/evening/morning Ravagers and allies. we held an AMAZING ausia tonight with a good max of 14 with a special appearance of Herbert P. Bear. great tactics great fun and great memories from once again another RR Ausia. thank you to all the troops and allies for comin along we hope toContinue reading “Ausia Unscheduled Training”

Ausia Training Event

Max: 18Average: 16 Good early morning Ravagers. great job at our ausia event with a nice max of 18 penguins and a wonderful average of 16, thank you to everyone who came including our allies and visitors from other armies. we hope to see you at our 2 events later today thank you once again.Continue reading “Ausia Training Event”

CPR Recruit Training

Max: 13Average: 11 Heyo ravagers! Today we had an event on Club Penguin Rewritten and got a few recruits along the way! Googglee dread the red ravagers to join our fun group we use a discksdkskcskrod group chat we arent bots i promise. Read on to see the amazing event pics: comment your name andContinue reading “CPR Recruit Training”

US Training Event

Max: 11Average: 9.5 Good Evening Ravvys, at today’s training event on we practiced our basic tactics to get everyone used to how the traditional type of battle would go. we maxed a great 11 troops and had an average that differed between 9 and 10. good job to all of you who came outContinue reading “US Training Event”

AUSIA Training Event

Max: 7Average: still 7 hi peeps this is gonna be quick and short cause im tired, so we maxed 7 averaged 7 in a magical ausia time and thank you for coming, comment name and rank below to get the big promoted (maybe). -Honduh, Red Commander guy

EU Training Event

Max: 9Average: 8 Hey ravagers! Today we had an event before 9pm est!!!! wow!! amazing!!! We had a lot of funny tactics and fast response time! We got some pretty great photos and we got to witness Kiddo42069 have a stroke in real time. Ona hetecew xine!! Read on to see some of the picsContinue reading “EU Training Event”

US Training Event

Max: 12Average: 11 Aloha ravvys! We had a great US training event with our troop of the week this week, Bailey, leading the third room! The event was very funny and Saraahahahhahaha actually doesnt know how to spell diagonal so that’s good to know. Read on to see the event pics: comment your name andContinue reading “US Training Event”


Woot Woot! Guess what time it is??? Its time for our RAVAGER OF THE WEEK!!!! This weeks ROTW has shown an immense amount of dedication to RR since joining. They have come to a large amount of events, been super active in chat and has been super eager to share their ideas with us. OurContinue reading “ROTW #6”

Invasion Of Breeze: OMA

Max: 15Average: 14 Guten Tag Ravagers, WOOOO INVASION WOOOO today we invaded Os Mascarados’ server “Breeze”. we SUCCESSFULLY invaded the server with a beautiful max of 15 peeps, thank you all for coming to help us claim our 5th server with many more to come in the future as we grow. Make sure to commentContinue reading “Invasion Of Breeze: OMA”

US Branch Battle

Hola ravvys,Today we had another absolutely, outrageously, epic branch battle. Words were said, emotes were used, feelings were hurt, and blood was shed (lol not really) but the roasts were as funny as ever. Our fearless commander Maxie Waxie lead the Fire Squad while Bri and Bailey lead the aqua marines. We should have knownContinue reading “US Branch Battle”

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