[US] Practice Battle vs Ice Warriors

Hey there! On March 5th, the Ravagers logged on to Ascent, Nightclub to warm up for a hyped up practice battle against our cool (get it?) allies – the Ice Warriors! Things took an interesting turn with both armies showing up in accordance to a ‘Water Theme’, with the Warriors divided into Scuba Divers andContinue reading “[US] Practice Battle vs Ice Warriors”

[AUSIA] Simon Says Tactics Event

Hey Ravagers, on 3rd April, 2021, we logged on to Ascent for a Simon Says/ OG Club Penguin Armies style event. We had a great turnout at the event, with lots of active participation from the troops!

Ice Raid!

On April 16th, the Red Ravagers logged on to the server Ascent. They were dressed in blue, and instead of going to their regular dumpy hidey-hole in the Nightclub, they chose to make themselves look more grand and spectacular at the Stadium instead. The troops launched an Ice Raid- where they all, donning the blue uniforms, raided the Ice Warriors event and mixed among their chill troops. Just as suddenly as they joined into the warriors, they suddenly disappeared, with the only trace of their presence at the event being a very confused Rep_, who kept wondering where his friends were.

[EU] Practice Battle vs Help Force

Hey Ravvys, on April 17th, we logged on to the server Ascent for a practice battle against the Training Divisions of our lovely allies, the Help Force. While they outnumbered us in the battle, we still had fun!

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